
Decision of the Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress on wearing masks and using place codes during the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic normalization

Date:2022-05-24 20:12:31

Announcement of the Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress

Thirty-second [15th] session

The Decision of the Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress on Wearing Masks and Using Site Codes during the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic Normalization has been adopted at the 34th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress on May 13th, 2022, and is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

It is hereby announced.

Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress

May 14th, 2022

Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress

During the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic normalization

Decision on wearing masks and using place codes

(Adopted at the 34th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress on May 13, 2022)

In order to effectively prevent and control the epidemic in COVID-19, resolutely block the spread of the epidemic, and ensure people's life, health and safety, according to the People's Republic of China (PRC) Infectious Disease Prevention Law, People's Republic of China (PRC) Emergency Response Law, People's Republic of China (PRC) Public Security Management Punishment Law and the State Council Public Health Emergency Regulations and other laws and regulations, combined with the actual city, the following decisions are made:

First, any unit or individual shall abide by the relevant provisions of epidemic prevention and control, implement measures such as standardizing the wearing of masks and using place codes, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work.

Two, the following scenes and circumstances, should standardize the wearing of masks:

(a) in shopping malls, supermarkets, cinemas, venues, exhibition halls, airports and public areas of hotels and other indoor crowded places;

(two) when taking a van elevator and public transport such as airplanes, trains, long-distance buses, subways, buses, taxis (online car rides);

(3) Being in outdoor places such as crowded open-air squares, theaters and parks;

(four) when attending a hospital or accompanying a doctor, when receiving health checks such as body temperature detection, checking health code and registering travel information;

(5) When symptoms such as nasopharyngeal discomfort, cough, sneezing and fever occur;

(six) in the dining room, canteen is in a state of non-eating;

(seven) other closed or crowded scenes and situations.

Key groups such as staff of medical institutions, staff of kindergartens and schools, service personnel in public places, employees of express delivery, and employees of high-risk positions for overseas import and pollution transmission shall wear masks in accordance with industry regulations.

Managers and operators of relevant places should prompt to wear masks in a prominent position.

Three, organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, all kinds of public places, business premises, residential areas, construction sites, subways, buses, taxis (online car) and other managers and operators should take the initiative to apply for and post the hanging place code in a prominent position, so as to achieve "one yard for one door", "one yard for one store" and "one yard for one place"; Strictly implement the relevant regulations on scanning code registration, and arrange personnel to be responsible for inspection, so that everything will be scanned.

Personnel entering the above places shall take the initiative to scan the code. For the elderly, minors, visually impaired and hearing impaired people who cannot use the place code, the relevant places should provide paper registration and other alternative measures.

Personal information collected through place codes and other measures is only used for the prevention and control of epidemic situation in COVID-19, and shall not be disclosed.

Four, individuals are not in accordance with the provisions of the norms to wear masks, the use of site code, site managers, operators should immediately prompt and persuade; If persuasion fails, they may be refused entry or services.

Five, the managers and operators of the site shall perform the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control in this site.

Where the managers and operators of the premises fail to take corresponding measures in accordance with the provisions, the relevant competent authorities shall order them to make corrections; Refuses to correct or cause serious consequences, shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Individuals who fail to wear masks and use place codes in accordance with the provisions constitute violations of public security management, and shall be punished by public security organs according to law; If it causes damage to the person or property of others, it shall bear civil liability according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Six, the people's governments at all levels in this Municipality shall fulfill the territorial responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, strengthen the organization and leadership of standardizing the wearing of masks and the use of place codes, coordinate and dispatch, and improve the level of scientific and accurate prevention and control.

Departments of health and wellness, transportation, urban and rural construction, civil affairs, education, commerce, water conservancy, industry and information technology, market supervision and management, urban management, logistics ports, culture, radio and television, and tourism shall, according to their respective functions and duties, take standardizing wearing masks and using place codes as the statutory duties of epidemic prevention and control in their own industries, implement "epidemic prevention must be managed in industries, epidemic prevention must be managed in business, and epidemic prevention must be managed in production and operation", formulate management regulations, and strengthen daily supervision.

In the epidemic prevention and control work, those who abuse their powers, neglect their duties or engage in malpractices for selfish ends, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

Seven, city and county (city, district) people's Congress Standing Committee shall strengthen the supervision of the implementation of this decision through law enforcement inspection, special inquiry, listening to special work reports, etc.

Eight, this decision shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

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