
5.18 The International Museum is full of variety and excitement, waiting for you.

Date:2023-05-17 20:21:56

5.18 The International Museum is full of variety and excitement, waiting for you.

Theme of International Museum Day in 2023-"Museums, Sustainability and Good Life". It is emphasized that museums can create linkage effects and promote positive changes, and can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals and helping a better life in many aspects. On the occasion of the 47th International Museum Day, Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum launched a series of colorful theme activities to interpret the historical connotation of cultural relics, carry forward the excellent national traditional culture, publicize the concept of sustainability and empower the public with a better life.

Activity 1: A tour of fine products.

Venue: Wuzhou Park, Zhengzhou City

Time: May 18th.

Cultural relics bear the genes and blood of the Chinese nation and are non-renewable and irreplaceable resources of Chinese excellent civilization. In order to make full use of the museum's own resources, give full play to the museum's social education function, carry forward the excellent traditional culture, promote the development of shellfish culture and enrich the cultural life of the people, our museum specially held a "boutique tour exhibition" in Wuzhou Park, Zhengzhou City.

Activity 2: Small Shell World Shell Specimen Exhibition and Public Science Lecture

Venue: Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum

Time: April 28th-May 28th.

The vast ocean is the cradle of life, which nurtures more than 500,000 kinds of marine life. Among them, marine shellfish is one of the earliest inhabitants on the earth and an important member of the marine ecosystem. It has evolved together with human civilization and told us a journey of life. In the "Small Shell World Shell Specimen Exhibition" held by our library, through the rows of various shells on the display shelf, the audience will be guided to understand the cultural knowledge of shellfish, the types and characteristics of various marine shellfish, increase the knowledge of natural science, and understand the important influence and contribution of shellfish to the development of human society.

With global warming, ocean acidification, disorderly discharge of human domestic wastewater and overfishing, the balance of marine ecosystem has been broken, so it is urgent to protect the ocean. Our library specially holds popular science lectures to publicize the scientific concept of protecting the natural ecological environment and enhance the public's awareness and social responsibility of protecting the marine ecological environment.

Activity 3: Cultural Relics Information Desk

Venue: Wuzhou Park, Zhengzhou City

Time: May 18th.

In order to guide the public to establish a correct concept of cultural relics collection and raise public awareness of cultural relics protection. Our library has set up a cultural relics information desk in Wuzhou Park, where two deputy curators are on duty to answer questions for the audience, popularize cultural relics related knowledge and provide cultural relics consulting services.

Activity 4: Walking in the Museum to Read the History of Henan Province

Zhengzhou Shanhaiguan Museum Museum and Dahe Bao Yu Video jointly launched the museum map activity of "Walking the Museum to Read Henan History", which was officially launched on May 18th, taking you to start "digital travel" with one click, making the Central Plains treasure "within reach".

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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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