
Our festival, Dahe Daily reporter's Dragon Boat Festival trip.

Date:2023-06-20 20:23:50

In May, Liu Hua is enchanting and green, and Yang takes rain and hangs heavy five-color new silk wrapped dumplings.


Painting a fan with a pair of phoenixes.

A-Northern Song Ouyang Xiu's "Fisherman's Pride"


Midsummer Dragon Boat Festival & Blessing in Ankang


As one of the oldest traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, the Dragon Boat Festival is full of indomitable spiritual connotation of the Chinese nation and reflects the long history and profoundness of Chinese culture. On the occasion of the traditional Chinese festival "Dragon Boat Festival", our library invited more than 100 reporters from Dahe Daily to our library to carry out patriotic education and research activities. Under the guidance of social education teachers, young journalists wander around the museum, listening to cultural relics stories, learning historical knowledge, watching popular science films and making "Zongqing Dragon Boat Festival" pendants. Young journalists enjoy the charm of traditional festivals, appreciate the beauty of thousands of arts, feel the thickness of Chinese history and spend a different Dragon Boat Festival here.


Visit the exhibition "Bayao China"

The collection of "Bayao Zhonghua" exhibition mainly includes terrestrial calla fossils, marine calla fossils, various marine shell specimens, various Beibi coins, ancient ritual vessels, Buddhist sacred objects, living utensils, decorations and other works of art, etc. The collection involves the politics, economy, culture and religion of ancient China society. Following the footsteps of social education teachers, young reporters strolled through the museum to learn about the story of past lives, a collector, and felt the charm of knowledge in real situations.


Dragon boat festival classroom

In the Dragon Boat Festival class, social education teachers introduced the origin, legend, food customs, Dragon Boat Festival poems and other knowledge in the form of animated short films and presentations. And lead the young reporters to make "Zongqing Dragon Boat Festival" accessories, so that children can actively learn Chinese excellent traditional culture in an entertaining way, enhance their aesthetic ability and cultural accomplishment, and enhance their sense of mission in inheriting and carrying forward Chinese excellent traditional culture.


"Zongzi" is in love with the Dragon Boat Festival, and our library is open normally during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. Come and spend a meaningful Dragon Boat Festival in Zhengzhou Shanhaigui Museum!

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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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