
Good news | Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum was awarded as "Henan Social Science Popularization Base"

Date:2023-09-15 18:00:27


On the morning of September 15th, the "Opening Ceremony of 2023 Henan Social Science Popularization Week" sponsored by the Propaganda Department of Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Henan Social Science Federation was held in Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou Shanhai Suo Museum was awarded the tenth batch of "Henan Social Science Popularization Base".

Annex 1

List of the tenth batch of social science popularization bases in Henan Province


Zhengzhou Shanhai Callicarpa Museum

Henan Vocational College of Applied Technology Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum Luoyang Zhougong Temple Museum Pingdingshan Library

Maoliandong Red Education Base Qixian County Chaoge Museum

Xinxiang fengquan district chengcheng Chengxin museum Xinxiang sheke home

Jiaozuo Wangzhongdian Deeds Exhibition Hall Puyang Workers Cultural Palace Puyang Huaying Bookstore Xuchang Planning Exhibition Hall

Xuchang martyr cemetery management division Luohe zhongzhou anti-Japanese war memorial hall

As the only museum dedicated to cultural relics in the Asia-Pacific region, Zhengzhou Shanhai DuDu Museum gives full play to its functional advantages, carries out various and rich social education activities for popular science, vigorously promotes excellent traditional culture, popularizes shellfish cultural knowledge, and brings cultural feast to the public. It has been awarded the honors of "Henan Social Science Popularization Base", "Zhengzhou Social Science Popularization Demonstration Base", "Zhengzhou Community College Citizen Study Tour Base" and "Dahe Academy of Sciences Popular Science Education Base".


In the future work, Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum will continue to carry out a variety of social science popularization activities, tell the stories of China and cultural relics well, and make contributions to improving the scientific quality of the whole people.

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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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