
A symposium on cultural exchange of social cultural relics collection was held in Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum.

Date:2023-11-03 10:49:04

On November 3rd, Ge Jiqian, former executive vice minister of the Propaganda Department of Henan Provincial Party Committee and lifelong honorary advisor of Henan Collectors Association, Han Yiping, executive vice president and secretary general of Henan Collectors Association, Zhang Jianguo, executive secretary general of Henan Collectors Association, and Ge Yan, director of the office, and his party went to Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum to have an exchange discussion on the collection of social cultural relics and the construction and development of non-state-owned museums.


Minister Ge and his party listened to the collection and collection of social diaspora cultural relics in our library. The development idea of establishing non-state-owned museums; Social education propaganda; Collection research; Report on popular science education and overall development planning. A detailed understanding of the characteristics and highlights of Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum, fully affirmed the development of Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum. Minister Ge proposed to give full play to the propaganda and education function of the museum, vigorously publicize the culture and tell the story of the museum in combination with its own characteristics, and better meet the public's demand for high-quality cultural supply for the museum; It is necessary to raise the awareness of cultural relics protection, further improve the collection and collection of cultural relics scattered in civil society, continue to do a good job in cultural relics research, explore the unknown, reveal the origin, enrich the historical connotation with more research results, and earnestly do a good job as inheritors, innovators and disseminators of Chinese culture in the new era.


Later, Minister Ge and his party visited the Bayao Zhonghua One-by-One DuDu Culture Exhibition, the Central Plains Celadon Art Exhibition, the Stamp Exhibition and the Modern DuDu Art Exhibition in Zhengzhou Shanhai DuDu Museum. I am amazed at the profound historical background and cultural value of the cultural relics displayed in the Kaoji Museum, and fill the blank of the national topic of Kaoji Cultural Relics, Chen Zhan. After the visit, Minister Ge left Mo Bao's "Calligo World" and presented it to Zhengzhou Shanhai Calligo Museum.


Visit the museum:

1. Visitors can register to visit the museum;

2. How to make an appointment to the museum: ① Telephone appointment: 0371-86222655② Online appointment: a. WeChat WeChat official account, a visit service, an online appointment B. Alipay, a search for Zhengzhou Shanhaiguan Museum applet, made an online appointment;

3. The team should make an appointment at least one day in advance.

Address: Floor 4, Floor 6, West of Zhengzhou Wenbo City, at the intersection of Eighth Street and Jingbei Sixth Road, Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Henan Province


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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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