
Calligonum and Calligonum products in history

Date:2017-12-13 09:23:02

Trionyx sinensis and Trionyx sinensis products in history:

In history, it is regarded by the world as a beautiful stone after jade. Trionyx sinensis has been regarded as a kind of treasure in ancient China, and its use in China has a long history. The appearance and value of the tortoise shell are described in the historical document "The Ancestors from Outside the Ridge" written by Nan Zongzhou. There are tortoise shells in the South China Sea, which are as big as three feet, and some are less than one foot, but they are very beautiful. In the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Pi, the Emperor of Wei Wen, mentioned in the Preface of Chequ Fu: "Chequ, jade is also a genus, and there are many fibers to manage the text. Born in the western country, its vulgar treasure is also. "

Because of its unique fusion, Trionyx sinensis has become the carrier of inheriting the eastern and western cultures. Driven by the original aesthetic feeling, the worship of Trionyx sinensis in ancient times stems more from the deep feelings of ancient people for the jade tools of Trionyx sinensis. The ancients regarded Trionyx sinensis as a sacred object, and later expanded it to use utensils, which has decorative function and religion.

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