
Processing of dragonflies

Date:2017-12-13 09:26:41

With people's continuous excavation of resources, the development of products is becoming more and more abundant, and the processing of products is also from the initial production of building materials to processing into beads, bracelets, pendants, hand ornaments, hand pieces, small ornaments and large carvings, and rich products are highly sought after. The processing of Calligonum has also developed from a simple workshop to a craft carving factory with a complete set of design, processing and carving machinery. Jade carving masters have also joined in the processing and carving of Calligonum, and the product technology has become more and more exquisite, laying the foundation for the organic gem and seven treasures of Buddhism to enter the jewelry collection.

General processing flow of Calligonum handicrafts:

Selecting materials-cleaning and peeling-conceiving design drawing-drawing-carving-polishing and oiling-selecting base and packing box.

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