
Keli ornaments

Date:2017-12-13 09:34:51

With the continuous innovation and development of Calligonum, Calligonum ornaments have been enriched from the original beads to a full set of hand ornaments, bedroom ornaments and craft collections. As the seven treasures of Buddhism and an organic gem, it is loved and collected by people.

First, earrings: the shape is trendy, mainly inlaid pendants and bare pendants.

Second, jewelry: bracelets, bracelets, bracelets, rings, etc.

Third, necklaces: Common necklaces are magnetic white, gold wire, ice-permeable, yellow and bloody, with rich shapes.

4. Pendants and tags: The ornaments worn around the neck are square, round and various shapes, and the small pendants carved from the jade-like dragonflies are more popular with people.

Handpieces: Like other jade handpieces, the handpieces and waist pendants have different shapes and colors, and are also deeply loved by people.

6. Car pendant: it is a kind of culture, with some blessings and expectations, reflecting the personality and aesthetics of the owner, and at the same time coordinating with the interior decoration.

Seven, Buddha ornaments: as a bedroom decoration, carved ornaments with Buddhist meanings are more sought after.

8. Carving handicrafts: All kinds of handicrafts and ornaments, from large pieces to small pieces, from magnetic white and water permeable to multicolor, are rich in variety and dazzling.

9. Collectibles: the fossil shells, ancient decorations, blood-soaked clams, lacquered line carvings and sculptures by famous sculptors have become hot spots in the collection.

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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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