
Workflow of Collection Collection in Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum

Date:2022-02-10 12:09:08

Workflow of Collection Collection in Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum

First, the collection workflow

1. The collected cultural relics or articles should be recorded in the original documents, and the collection list of cultural relics or articles should be filled in, indicating the collection place, time and participants, and signed by the employees and leaders involved in the collection.

2. Identification of newly collected cultural relics or articles. The collection work leading group regularly applies to the Provincial Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee for the appraisal of newly collected cultural relics or articles, so as to determine the grade and name of cultural relics.

3. Entry of newly collected cultural relics into Tibet. After the newly collected cultural relics have been appraised by the provincial cultural relics department, the collection keeper shall carefully check the quantity and present situation of the recorded collections and go through the registration procedures for entering Tibet. For the collection, you must fill in the Certificate for the Entry of Cultural Relics and Materials in Zhengzhou Shanhaiguan Museum in triplicate. The first copy is the original account and submitted to the general ledger for archiving. The second copy is kept by the warehouse keeper with the collection. The third copy is stamped with the official seal and handed over to the transfer unit or personnel. The library entry voucher is compiled by the general ledger on an annual basis, and the voucher is kept permanently.

4. For the articles that do not meet the standards for entry into Tibet, the safekeeping personnel shall set up separate accounts and store the articles in a specific place.

Second, the collection agencies and personnel

Set up a leading group for the collection of cultural relics in Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum, which is responsible for the formulation of the annual plan for the collection, the information investigation, collection and reception of the collection objects. The collection work leading group is composed of collection keepers, finance department and other relevant personnel, with curator Zhou Yunxiang as the leader.

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Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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