
Measures for the Collection of Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum

Date:2022-02-16 12:09:52

Documents of Zhengzhou Shanhai Calligonum Museum

Zheng Fei Bo Zi (2022) No.7

Collection of Zhengzhou Shanhai Callicarpa Museum

Collection method

My collection management department undertakes the important tasks of collection, scientific management and proper protection of collections. The storage work requires "sound system, clear accounts, accurate identification, detailed cataloging, proper storage and convenient access". In order to properly protect, manage and make full and reasonable use of cultural relics and other collections, based on the laws and regulations such as the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Cultural Relics, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Cultural Relics, and the Measures for the Management of Museum Collections, and in combination with the actual situation of our library, the Work System for Collection and Preservation of Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum was revised again. This system was studied and approved by the library affairs meeting on January 19th, 2022, and was implemented on March 1st, 2022.

I. Measures for the Administration of Collection of Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In accordance with the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Cultural Relics, the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on Government Procurement, the Measures for the Management of Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum and other relevant regulations, combined with the actual situation of the collection work of this museum, it is specially formulated to improve the quality and efficiency of the collection work and strengthen management.

These measures.

Article 2 The collection of collections involved in these Measures refers to the business activities of collecting collections by purchasing, accepting donations, exchanging according to law, allocating, transferring and other means stipulated by laws and administrative regulations according to the nature, tasks, collection status and development needs of the library itself.

Article 3 The collection of collections must follow the scientific and reasonable principles, set up special working institutions, and carry out regular collection work purposefully, planned and step by step.

Chapter II Collection Organization

Article 4 The collection work leading group is composed of the curator, the deputy curator, the assistant curator, the heads of the financial department, the collection management department and the discipline inspection and supervision personnel of the museum, and is responsible for examining and approving the collection work plan of the museum, examining and approving the annual collection plan and the use plan of special funds for cultural relics collection, and discussing and deciding on the collection proposal of a single piece or a batch of more than 50,000 yuan (including 50,000 yuan).

Article 5 The collection work leading group has an office, which is specifically responsible for formulating and implementing the daily collection plan, organizing the collection work leading group meeting and carrying out regular collection work.

Article 6 An expert database for collection and appraisal of Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum shall be established to be responsible for the appraisal and evaluation of precious collections in the process of collection. According to the different nature and categories of collections, the Office of the Leading Group for Collection selects corresponding experts from the expert database to ensure the accurate and steady operation of the collection.

Chapter III Requirements for Collection Staff

Seventh collection staff should be familiar with the relevant policies and regulations, abide by discipline, be serious and responsible, work hard, be honest and act according to law, be familiar with the collection of the museum, and master the collection work.

Basic knowledge and skills, have certain professional knowledge and appraisal ability, and can handle daily collection affairs.

Article 8 Any collection staff who put forward the collection intention shall submit a collection proposal, and the office of the collection leading group shall be responsible for organizing expert appraisal, drafting the collection contract, cooperating with the collection management department to complete the collection allocation and warehousing procedures, and timely submit the relevant materials needed for the centralized payment procedures of the state treasury to the financial department.

Chapter IV Collection Scope of Collections

Article 9 The museum determines the collection scope according to its own nature and tasks, and all the cultural relics, specimens and other human and environmental witnesses with collection and preservation value, suitable for exhibition or scientific research value are included in the collection. Starting from the actual structure and scale of the existing collection, we will focus on collecting typical representative cultural relics, revolutionary witness cultural relics, major national events (such as anti-epidemic witnesses) and categories that can fill the gaps in the collection.

Chapter V Collection Methods

Tenth collection work should strictly abide by the "People's Republic of China (PRC) cultural relics protection law", through the purchase, acceptance of donations, exchange according to law, transfer, transfer and other ways as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

Chapter VI Collection Plan

Article 11 Under non-special circumstances, at the end of each year, the office of the collection leading group shall, according to the actual needs of the collection planning, exhibition and scientific research of the museum, formulate the collection plan for the next year and the corresponding plan for the use of special funds for the collection of cultural relics, and report it to the collection leading group for approval.

Twelfth if it is not special needs, the collection work leading group will hold a cultural relics collection meeting once a year to study the matters related to the collection work. Anyone who intends to collect shall submit a written application for collection, a collection list (including name, texture, age, use, size, quantity, price, etc.) and pictures to the Office of the Leading Group for Collection for discussion. Those who are not fully prepared will be postponed to next month for discussion. In case of major, special and urgent collection, the person in charge of specific collection should also submit a written report explaining the reasons for its importance, and submit it to the collection leading group to consider whether it is necessary to hold an additional collection leading group meeting as appropriate. In case of rejection, the collection topic will be postponed to next month for discussion.

Chapter VII Basic Requirements for Collection Work

Article 13 Any collection that needs to be purchased shall be submitted with written opinions of experts according to the following requirements: for a collection with a single piece or a batch of less than 100,000 yuan (including 100,000 yuan), there must be the appraisal and evaluation opinions of two warehousing experts from "Zhengzhou Shanhaiguo Museum Collection Appraisal Expert Database"; A single piece or a batch of collections ranging from more than 100,000 yuan to less than 500,000 yuan (including 500,000 yuan) must have the appraisal and evaluation opinions of three warehousing experts in the "Zhengzhou Shanhaigu Museum Collection Appraisal Expert Database"; A single piece or a batch of more than 500,000 yuan of collections must have the appraisal and evaluation opinions of more than four warehousing experts in the "Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum Collection Appraisal Expert Database". Expert opinions include the authenticity, collection value and reference price of the proposed collection. The examination and approval of the collection and purchase of collections shall be subject to the expert appraisal one-vote veto system. The expert opinions and the examination and approval process should be recorded in writing and archived.

Fourteenth to collect the collection of scientific records. Specific requirements: ① When collecting and investigating, the owner should write written materials or the collector should record them on the spot, and ask the owner to sign for confirmation: ② Records should be realistic and verified, not hearsay or subjective fabrication; ③ Accurately record the initial stage.

Step 3 Appraisal opinions and evaluation of the value of the collection: ④ Attention should be paid to recording relevant materials such as people, events and plots; ⑤ Write in indelible ink, with clear and neat handwriting, and input it into the computer in time; ⑥ Relevant photos, rubbings or drawings must be attached.

Fifteenth collections must be handed over to the designated warehouse for safekeeping as soon as possible, and are not allowed to be kept in private hands, and the transfer and allocation procedures should be handled within five working days.

Article 16 When the collected collections are registered in the general ledger, the collectors must hand over the relevant original materials and appraisal opinions to the general ledger keeper for filing.

Chapter VIII Authority for Examination and Approval of Collection Funds

Article 17 The authority for examination and approval of collection funds is: if a single piece or batch is less than 100,000 yuan (including 100,000 yuan), it shall be examined and approved by the deputy curator in charge of the collection of the project; If a single piece or batch is between 100,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan (including 500,000 yuan), it shall be reviewed by the deputy curator in charge of the project collection and approved by the curator; If a single piece or each batch exceeds 500,000 yuan, it must be examined and approved by the collection leading group. The relevant examination and approval decision shall be written by the collection group office and attached with the minutes of the cultural relics collection meeting.

Chapter IX Payment of Collection Funds.

Article 18 Before using the funds collected for collections, they must go through the relevant procedures of government procurement in accordance with the requirements of the Government Procurement Law and the Interim Provisions on the Operating Rules of Government Procurement.

Nineteenth collection funds payment methods, must be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the centralized financial payment for payment.

Twentieth from cultural relics shops, auction houses and other enterprises, institutions and organizations to buy or transfer, transfer, price dial the collection, the other party needs to issue a duty-paid invoice.

Twenty-first to buy a collection from a private person, the seller must fill in the receipt and provide it.

Personal ID card and other information, the financial department of this library will issue purchase invoices accordingly.

Twenty-second collections collected back to the museum must be posted and allocated to the library before they can go through the payment or reimbursement procedures. The reimbursement document should be signed by the handler, the witness, the inspector and the person with approval authority, and be accompanied by materials such as the collection allocation list, the contract, the expert appraisal opinion form, the collection appraisal approval form, and the collection voucher.

Chapter 10 Collection Collection Work Flow

Article 23 In order to make the members of the collection working group familiar with the basic procedures of the collection work of this museum as soon as possible and handle the daily collection affairs skillfully, the collection work flow table is specially formulated for the daily collection of cultural relics.

Collect cultural relics collection information

Members of relevant solicitation groups discuss and agree on solicitation intention.

Contact experts for appraisal, and issue expert appraisal opinions and valuations.

Submit a written application for collection intention and a list of cultural relics (name, quantity and quality) to the cultural relics collection working group

Place, age, size, quotation), pictures and expert appraisal opinions and valuations.

Held by the cultural relics collection work leading group and related cultural relics collection working group members of the cultural relics.

Solicitation meeting, to decide whether to solicit or not and the transaction price.

After the collection intention is passed, complete the "Zhengzhou Shanhaijiu Museum Expert Appraisal Opinion Form" and "Zheng

Examination and Approval Form for Collection of State Shanhaiji Museum, Collection List of Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum,

Can draw up a contract with the seller or collector.

Within 5 working days after the arrival of the goods, the general ledger, the collection personnel and the warehouse administrator shall jointly handle the transfer and allocation procedures. Solicitation personnel shall submit the Contract, Solicitation List, Approval Form and Special Report to the General Ledger.

Home appraisal opinions "original archive.

The soliciting party shall present the original Contract, invoice, List of Allotment, List of Solicitation, Approval Form and Expert Appraisal Opinion to the Finance Department to complete the financial payment procedures.

Article 24 According to the provisions of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Cultural Relics that cultural relics collection units can obtain cultural relics by accepting donations, and according to the actual work of our library, the Work Flow Table for Accepting Cultural Relics Donation in Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum is specially formulated.

Obtain cultural relics donation information

Verify that the identity of the donor conforms to the provisions of the national cultural relics law, that is, outside the state-owned cultural relics collection unit.

Citizens, legal persons or other organizations

Contact experts for appraisal and valuation.

Hold a cultural relics collection meeting and decide whether to accept the donation or not.

Where the donated cultural relics are accepted, if necessary, the donation compensation fee given to the donors shall not exceed the experts.

30% of the appraisal (including bonus, exhibition, publicity, publication, etc.)

Complete the examination and approval form for the collection of Zhengzhou Shanhaijiu Museum and Zhengzhou Shanhaijiu Museum.

Collection donation list ",draw up a donation contract with the donor.

Within 5 working days after the donated cultural relics are put into storage, the general ledger, the collectors and the warehouse keeper shall jointly handle the transfer and allocation procedures. The solicitation personnel shall submit the Contract, Donation List and Approval to the General Ledger.

Table ","expert opinion "original archive.

Solicitors shall submit the original Contract, List of Allotment, List of Donations, Approval Form,

Copy of "Expert Appraisal Opinion" to Finance.

Issue the Receipt for Accepting Donation to the Donors, and issue it if necessary.

Donation or collection certificate.

Article 25 According to the "People's Republic of China (PRC) Cultural Relics Protection Law", the state-owned cultural relics collection units can obtain cultural relics through the designated custody or allocation by the cultural relics administrative department. Now, according to the actual work of our library, the "Work Flow Table for Accepting Cultural Relics Allocation in Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum" is specially formulated.

State-owned cultural relics collection units have reached an intention to allocate cultural relics.

Submit a written application for allocating cultural relics to the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics (the first-class cultural relics shall be reported to the cultural relics administrative department of the State Council).

After being approved by the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, the two sides signed an agreement on the allocation of cultural relics.

Complete the allocation of cultural relics list and collection files, and report to the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics for the record.

Give reasonable compensation to the cultural relics collection units that provide cultural relics, and the specific measures shall be in accordance with the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics and

The provisions of the administrative department of cultural relics.

(Note) The above flow charts are only used for routine collection of cultural relics, and special cases are handled. Chapter XI Supervision and Inspection of Collection Collection

Twenty-sixth collection work must accept the supervision and inspection of finance, culture, auditing, discipline inspection and supervision and other relevant departments.

Twenty-seventh collectors are not allowed to practise jobbery, and are not allowed to collect cultural relics for themselves or others in the name of the museum. Offenders will be dealt with severely.

Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions

Article 28 The Measures for the Administration of Collection Work of Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum (Revised Draft) and its annexes shall be reported to the Henan Provincial Department of Finance for the record after being approved by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture, and shall be implemented as of the date of approval by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture. The right to interpret these measures lies in Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum.

Zhengzhou Mountain and Sea Museum February 16, 2002

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