
Introduction to Sanbo

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Tridacna themed museum

The first theme museum
of tridacna in China

Established in March, 2017, Zhengzhou Shanhai Calligonum Museum is the only special museum of Calligonum, a national third-class museum, an excellent non-state-owned museum in Zhengzhou and an AAA-lev···

Collection of Fine Products


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Zhengzhou Shanhai Calligou Museum is free of reservation.


Dear viewers,In order to further enhance the audience's visit experience and bet···

A symposium on cultural exchange of social cultural relics collection was held in Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum.


On November 3rd, Ge Jiqian, former executive vice minister of the Propaganda Dep···

A glimpse of the event to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and welcome the National Day.


"Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and welcome the National Day". During this go···

Announcement on the Opening of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Holidays in 2023


Dear audience friends: According to the unified arrangement of national holidays···

The full moon and Mid-Autumn Festival share the festival.


The full moon and Mid-Autumn Festival share the festival.

Good news | Zhengzhou Shanhai Dujia Museum was awarded as "Henan Social Science Popularization Base"


On the morning of September 15th, the "Opening Ceremony of 2023 Henan Social Sci···

A delegation from the Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congress visited Zhengzhou Shanhaiji Museum for investigation.


A delegation from the Standing Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal People's Congres···

Our festival, Dahe Daily reporter's Dragon Boat Festival trip.


In May, Liu Hua is enchanting and green, and Yang takes rain and hangs heavy fiv···

Contact information · contact
Address:Floor 4, West Sixth Floor, Xiangyun Street, Wenbo City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Jingbei Sixth Road.

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